Contract Garden job - casual
paid work, easy going. Nip the buds here, dehead spent flowers over there,
feed the plants, spread some sheep's shit around, & most importantly SMELL
the roses. Below are some of my efforts and shared knowledge of gardening.
Aerial view of garden in St. Heliers (Auckland)
Ordered these amounts of embellishments for 55 rose plants
Front view of garden.
One of secret = Rose plants thrive on Sheep's poo.
Start (#688)
Moir prunning
Water blasting
Before & after (3mths later)
Magnolia companion planted with petunias
Before & After ( Fuchias)
Standard roses (#885)
Roses (floribunda type) - before & 2 mths later
Standard rose ( Pink Iceberg)
"Floribunda" = flowering in masses
like 3 to 4 blooms per stem.
"Hybrid Tea" type of flowering = single bloom per stem
Purple Petunias ( the colour purple seemed more hardy)